Nov 16, 2011
In this sermon given in Spanish to St. Paul's Houston I explore the invitation of God in our work as stewards of the Gospel of Jesus.
Nov 16, 2011
In this second presentation I offer a view of Episcopal Evangelism. How do we do this work of mission without doing spiritual violence?
Nov 16, 2011
Taking a deep breath we jump into the real work of the church. In this talk I offer the foundation stones for understanding Evangelism in an Episcopal Context.
Nov 16, 2011
This last in the series of three offers a sense that we as Christian evangelists are an answer to Jesus' prayer (A notion explored in a previous sermon). I talk about the tipping point, and what a transformed organization will look like if we make the main thing the main thing.
Nov 16, 2011
This is the presentation that I gave to the clergy prior to beginning the series on evangelism at the 2011 evangelism conference.